An eared seal or otariid or otary is any member of the marine mammal family Otariidae, one of three groupings of pinnipeds. They comprise 15 extant species in seven genera (another species became extinct in the 1950s) and are commonly known either as sea lions or fur seals, distinct from true seals (phocids) and the walrus (odobenids). Otariids are adapted to a semiaquatic lifestyle, feeding and migrating in the water, but breeding and resting on land or ice. They reside in subpolar, temperate, and equatorial waters throughout the Pacific and Southern Oceans and the southern Indian and Atlantic Oceans. They are conspicuously absent in the north Atlantic.
The words 'otariid' and 'otary' come from the Greek otarion meaning "little ear", referring to the small but visible external ear flaps (pinnae), which distinguishes them from the phocids.
Along with the Phocidae and Odobenidae, the two other members of Pinnipedia, Otаriidae are descended from a common ancestor most closely related to modern bears. Debate remains as to whether the phocids diverged from the otariids before or after the walrus.
We are His hands
We are His feet
We are His people
Children of the Lord
We share the hope
We share the dream
Believers in Jesus
Children of the King
His Spirit lives within us
Flowing like a river
Filling us with strength
So that we can reach out for our brother
Help one another
We are His hands
We are His feet
We are His people
Children of the Lord
We share the hope
We share the dream
Believers in Jesus
Children of the King
Some of us build, some are teachers
Some can sing like angels
But all of us can love
Like He loved, pure and simple
So warm and gentle
We are His hands
We are His feet
We are His people
Children of the Lord
We share the hope
We share the dream
Believers in Jesus