The Ostreidae, the true oysters, include most species of molluscs commonly consumed as oysters. Pearl oysters are not true oysters, and belong to the order Pterioida.
Like scallops, true oysters have a central adductor muscle, which means the shell has a characteristic central scar marking its point of attachment. The shell tends to be irregular as a result of attaching to a substrate.
Both oviparous (egg-bearing) and larviparous (larvae-bearing) species are known within Ostreidae. Both types are hermaphrodites. However, the larviparous species show a pattern of alternating sex within each individual, whereas the oviparous species are simultaneous hermaphrodites, producing either female or male gametes according to circumstances.
Members of genus Ostrea generally live continually immersed and are quite flat, with roundish shells. They differ from most bivalves by having shells completely made up of calcite, but with internal muscle scars of aragonitic composition. They fare best in somewhat oligotrophic water. They brood their fertilized eggs for various proportions of the period from fertilization to hatching.
Hanging upon the wind
Such as the world never know
The ancient tragedy and drama
Watch under their sharpen eyes
To see what a mortal is unable to see
A kingdom wrapped around cloud's veils
Gods look down from the Olympian kingdom
Challenge fates, wars and history
Disguised in sounding tones
Hold the arrows of desire
Reign unfold!
Takes me to the chariot of fire
Find in the night