Chief Stephen Osita Osadebe (March, 1936 — May 11, 2007), often referred to as just Osadebe, was an Igbo Nigerian highlife musician from Atani. His career spanned over 40 years, and he is one of the best known Igbo highlife musicians. His most popular hit was the 1984 "Osondi Owendi" (Igbo: One man's meat is another man's poison.), establishing him as a leader in the highlife genre being the most popular record ever in Nigeria.
In March 1936, Osadebe was born in Igbo town of Atani in Southeastern Nigeria. He came from a line of singers and dancers in Igboland. His genre, Highlife encompassed Igbo musical elements. Along with this, calypso, samba, bolero, rumba, jazz and waltz were also present in Osadebe's musical style. It was in his high school years in Onitsha, a major commercial city near Atani, that Osadebe grew interested in music.
Osadebe started his career performing at nightclubs in Lagos in the southwestern region of Nigeria. He gradually worked his way up to releasing his first album in 1958. In his career Osadebe went on to write over 500 songs; half of these songs were released commercially. He had been a part of The Empire Rhythm Orchestra, led by E. C. Arinze in which he had learned much of his music skills.
Esta mañana,
ya no me acordaba
como tocaban mis dedos,
esa guitarra que era para mí,
tu cuerpo.
Ya no me acordaba
lo que sentía,
cuando acariciaba tu pelo.
Ya no me acuerdo...
si tus ojos,
eran marrones,
o negros.
Como la noche,
ó como el día que
dejamos de vernos.
Sólo recuerdo que llovia,
y que quedamos en la parada
del metro.
Pero haciendo un gran esfuerzo,
veo tu mirada en cada espejo
de cada ascensor,
donde cada noche me sube hasta el cielo.
De moteles invernaderos,
donde se jura algo tan efimero.
Ya no me acuerdo...
ni de tu risa,
ni de tu prisa,
por darme un beso.
Ni que boton de tu camisa,
desabrochaba primero,
ni que dulce rumba me bailabas cuando,
querías robarme el sueño.
Dicen que el tiempo,
y el olvido,
son como hermanos gemelos,
que vas echando de mas,
lo que un dia echaste de menos,
yo que culpa tengo,
si... Ya no me acuerdo.
Pero haciendo un gran esfuerzo,
veo tu mirada en cada espejo
de cada ascensor,
donde cada noche
me sube hasta el cielo.
De moteles invernaderos,
donde se jura algo tan efimero,
y tan eterno.
Ya no me acuerdo...