Ward also served as Secretary to Army Chief of StaffGeorge Marshall in the critical years prior to the war and made major contributions to field artillery procedures in the 1930s that, a decade later, made the American field artillery especially effective in World War II.
Early life and career
Orlando Ward graduated from West Point in 1914. His first assignment was as a lieutenant of black cavalry troops (Troop E of the 9th Cavalry Regiment) on border patrol in the wilds of Arizona and New Mexico. He later was part of Pershing's forces chasing Pancho Villa into Mexico. He was awarded the Mexican Service Medal for serving on this campaign.
BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA – The suspects below were arrested by various law enforcement agencies on the Space Coast!. PLEASE NOTE...Fernando Apoderado-serrano ... Address ORLANDO, Florida ... 1 ... Address ORLANDO, Florida ... VernonEugeneWard ... Address ORLANDO, Florida.
"I'll tell you what I like. I like Orlando, Florida. Can't wait to be there." Operating under the moniker Iron Lung, Jon Kortland and JensenWard have breathed fresh air into the extreme music scene for over two decades ... .
Fox - 35 Orlando. Miami Beach is continuing a cheeky plea to try to ward off spring breakers this year, as police departments around the state brace for the influx of visitors ...Lauderdale and Orlando in ...