Order of Civil Merit
The Order of Civil Merit (Spanish: Orden del Mérito Civil) was established by King Alfonso XIII of Spain in 1926. The order recognizes "the civic virtue of officers in the service of the Nation, as well as extraordinary service by Spanish and foreign citizens for the benefit of Spain."
'According to Basic Norms on Protocol & Decorations
The Order of Civil Merit was established by King Alfonso XIII of Spain, by Royal Decree on 25 June 1926, after a proposition of the President of the Council of Ministers, General D. Miguel Primo de Rivera (1870–1930). Its first Rule was published next 25 May 1927.
This Order was created to prize the civic virtues of the functionaries in service for the State, the Provinces and Municipalities, as well as extraordinary services performed by Spanish citizens for the good of Nation, and could possibly be awarded, moreover, to foreign citizens by courtesy or reciprocity.
At the origin, it consisted of four categories:
Grand Cross
Commander by Number
Commander and Knight
Silver Cross (lower rank)