Physical intimacy is sensual proximity or touching. It is an act or reaction, such as an expression of feelings (including close friendship, love, or sexual attraction), between people. Examples of physical intimacy include being inside someone's personal space, holding hands, hugging, kissing, caressing, and sexual activity.
It is possible to be physically intimate with someone without actually touching them; however, a certain proximity is necessary. For instance, a sustained eye contact is considered a form of physical intimacy, analogous to touching. When a person enters someone else's personal space for the purpose of being intimate, it is physical intimacy, regardless of the lack of actual physical contact.
Most people partake in physical intimacy, which is a natural part of interpersonal relationships and human sexuality, and research has shown it has health benefits. A hug or touch can result in the release of oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin, and in a reduction in stress hormones.
Opportunity may refer to:
In space exploration:
Opportunity, also known as MER-B (Mars Exploration Rover – B) or MER-1, is a robotic rover active on Mars since 2004. Launched on July 7, 2003 as part of NASA's Mars Exploration Rover program, it landed in Meridiani Planum on January 25, 2004, three weeks after its twin Spirit (MER-A) touched down on the other side of the planet. With a planned 90 sol duration of activity, Spirit functioned until getting stuck in 2009 and ceased communications in 2010, while Opportunity remains active as of 2016, having already exceeded its operating plan by 7008372189600000000♠11 years, 290 days (in Earth time). Opportunity has continued to move, gather scientific observations, and report back to Earth for over 47 times its designed lifespan.
Mission highlights include the initial 90 sol mission, finding extramartian meteorites such as Heat Shield Rock (Meridiani Planum meteorite), and over two years studying Victoria crater. It survived dust-storms and reached Endeavour crater in 2011, which has been described as a "second landing site".
"Where Do I Belong" is the 146th episode of the ABC television series, Desperate Housewives. It is the twelfth episode of the show's seventh season and was broadcast on January 9, 2011.
While in the hospital, Susan receives a visit from Julie who tells Susan her mother, Sophie, is coming to visit her the following day. Susan becomes annoyed at this news because Sophie is known for attention seeking antics and for making every situation about her. Sophie and Susan's Aunt Claire visit and Susan is shocked at her mother's apparent selfishness when she tells Mike she can't give Susan a kidney because she's going away on a three-month cruise. Susan becomes frustrated with Sophie for not even finding out if she's a match. Julie offers her kidney, but is sad to discover she's not a match for her mother. Susan remains angry at Sophie until Claire visits her and announces that Sophie has cancer and that's why she can't give her a kidney. Claire makes Susan promise not to tell Sophie she knows about her illness as she's trying to make up for all of the years where everything had to revolve around her. Susan and Sophie reconcile and make plans to spend time together after Sophie's "cruise".
Down in the deep end, I can see you
Laughing in the face of quality, what good can that do?
With a ninety nine vision, you can't see the wood for the trees
I know why you're cold and can't sleep at night
You're opportunity crazy
Did you hear about Sanchez? Did you hear what he had to do
Ah. He had to be a heat seeker but he couldn't get through
Well what took you so long? It's good to have your attention
Ah. If you say hi, I'll say what I like to you
You're opportunity crazy
You're opportunity crazy
You're opportunity crazy
You might turn to me and say
What if I live my life and I do nothing
What if I live my life and I meet no-one, nothing at all?
Run to, Run to it, run to it, run...
You're opportunity crazy
You're opportunity crazy
You're opportunity crazy
Your ears, your eyes and your face, it's your life-