Opovo (Serbian Cyrillic: Опово) is a town and municipality in South Banat District, in the province of Vojvodina, Serbia. The town has a population of 4,546, while Opovo municipality has 10,475 inhabitants.
In Serbian, the town is known as Opovo (Опово), in German as Opowa, in Hungarian as Ópáva, in Croatian as Opovo, in Romanian as Opovo, in Slovak as Opovo, and in Rusyn as Опово.
There are traces from Neolithic and Roman periods in this area. An older settlement named Želj existed at this locality during medieval Hungarian and later Ottoman administration. During Hungarian administration it was part of the Kovin county and during Ottoman administration part of the Temeşvar Eyalet. Southern part of modern Opovo is still called Želj by local inhabitants. According to historical sources, modern Opovo was mentioned first in 1672-1690 and it was populated by Serbs. They lived in the houses made from mud. During Ottoman administration, settlement had 27 houses and, after Habsburg conquest, in 1717, it had 64 houses.
inside i'm gone
you knew that all along
without the distance you never get away
plastic bag image
is over now it's over now
the color fading is all the way to grey
we are strong but we're dumb
we look above
trusting the instinct
is not about what you think
the one reaction is only to obey
and i'm staring
all around not far down
judge the distance from the ground and pray
we are strong but we're dumb