Data (Hisar)
Data is a village located in Hisar district in Haryana, India.
Data is a village in Hisar Tehsil of Hisar district in Haryana State of India. It is situated 36 km from Hisar city on the road to Narnaund which also leads to Jind. At Data there is another road that leads to Hisar Tehsil. It is 20 km from Hisar Tehsil and only 16 km from Barwala town (where the Rajiv Gandhi thermal plant is located).
The village has a population of 25,000, of which 12,000 are female.
West of Data is desert land and rest of the area around the village is fertile plain land, served by an irrigation canal. Data has twelve large ponds (Johad).
Data has both a girls and a boys secondary government school. The village has a total of ten schools with three government run, and seven otherwise run.
Data has an old Shiva temple and Akhara for sadhus (Hindu saints) as well as a village temple nearby, the Temple of Baba Lal Das where newly weds go for blessings before entering the village, on every shukla 15 many people from all over India come for blessings.