Oola Blint AKA "The Angel of Mercy" was a character in Judge Dredd, along with her weak-willed husband Homer.
An outwardly friendly and nice person, she believed that she was doing people a favour by killing them as it brought them peace from the madness of Mega-City One. Homer did not believe this but went along with it out of love for her. While the judges were aware of their killings, they proved unable to identify her.
In one occasion, she took advantage of a citywide war to kill more people.
Her identity finally discovered by Dredd in "Shakedown" during a raid on an apartment block when crime levels in said block were at an all time high. However, she ecaped to Brit-Cit (via Oz) with Homer and opened legal a euthanasia clinic. Much to Homer's dismay, however, Oola began murdering people again (leading to Dredd being sent to Brit-Cit to investigate): she revealed her motive to be a sham when she admitted that killing was not the same when the victims "want it". She also revealed she intended to kill him as well, as a present for Christmas. Homer informed the Brit-Cit judges and they and Dredd raided the Blint's apartment block, but Oola had already fled after injecting her husband. Dredd managed to save his life and continued his pursuit. Oola willingly give herself up and both Blints were incarcerated for life for their crimes, in a couples block – but Oola refused to talk to Homer anymore.
Oola (Irish: Úlla, IPA: [ˈuːl̪ˠə]; or Uibhle, [ˈɪvʲlʲə], from the drumlins) is a village in County Limerick, and the province of Munster, Ireland, near Limerick in the midwest of the country. The main N24 road from Limerick to Waterford passes through the town and the town of Tipperary is located 12 kilometres south-east of Oola. It has approximately 500 inhabitants. The village is home to a church (The Church of The Sacred Heart), a petrol station, a convenience store, two public houses, a playing pitch, a post office, a credit union, a hall, and a florist. In the spring of 2012 a community council was formed to help in keeping the village archives and to maintain an information resource for villagers past and present.
The ruins of Oola Castle stand close to the village and in 1825, some large and perfect antlers of the Irish elk were discovered; and, in 1828, a brazen trumpet, and spear and arrow heads of bronze were found, which were placed in the museum of Trinity College, Dublin.
Oola is a village in County Limerick, province of Munster, Ireland
Oola may also refer to:
In geography:
In fictional characters:
Viikko sitten sain kirjeen tuolta kaukaa
Se tuli tuolta Kreikan maalta jostakin
Mun rakas vaimoni hän läksi Pepiton matkaan
Bansku-poika suoraan Espanjasta
Oi elli, Elli, Elli sua kaipaan
Miks läksit, Elli, tumman miehen laivaan
Elli, Elli, Elli sua kaipaan
Elli sua kaipaan niin
Elli, Elli, Elli sua kaipaan
Elli sua kaipaan niin
Jäisen puukon hän iski suoraan sydämeen
Kaikki unelmani heittää saan kai roskikseen
Pannahisen banskujätkä sä veit mun eukkoni jemmaan
Nyt tarttee tyytyä mun varmaan naapurimaamme Emmaan
Oi Elli, Elli, Elli sua kaipaan
En jaksa Elli enää kammata mä tukkaa
Mun päähän takoo tuhat märkää ohrapuurosukkaa
Mun posket lykkii heinää, mun aivot rappeutuu
Oi mikset, Elli-kulta luokseni sä tuu