Onni(onny) is a male name of Finnish origin meaning "happiness, luck." It was the sixth most popular name for boys in Finland in 2007.
The Office of National Narcotics Intelligence (ONNI) was a United States' federal law enforcement agency under the Justice Department that dealt in analysis of illegal drugs and was tasked to develop a National Narcotics Intelligence System. It conducted analysis only and had no operational responsibilities. Liaison was conducted with CIA and NSA. ONNI was founded in August 1972 under order of President Richard M. Nixon. The agency was headed by former FBI Assistant to the Director (third position in FBI after Director and Deputy Director) William C. Sullivan until ONNI was consolidated into the newly created Drug Enforcement Administration in July 1973 (along with the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, the Office of Drug Abuse Law Enforcement, some Customs officers. Waldo H. Dubberstein, who worked in ONNI's Analysis Division, had been head of all Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) analysis for the Middle East and South Asia, committed suicide in April 1983 after being indicted for selling classified DIA intelligence reports to Libya. It also helped set up information systems and analytical operations for the EU.
Olen kauhean kalpea
Ja niin hirveän pieni
Sinä ylpeä, loistava
Valo kaunis ja ihana
Olen tottunut luopumaan
Kukaan viivy ei kauaa
Mä en käskenyt lähtemään
Enkä pyytänyt jäämään
Vain muistamaan
Tehdään niin kuin täytyy
Kun mentävä on
Niin mentävä on
Annoit mulle onnen
Saat takaisin sen
Sua tarvitse en
Epäreilua sattumaa
Että kun minä pieni
Väsyin, kalpea, loistamaan
Sammui toinenkin tähti
Ja nyt huomasin viimeinkin
Että yö on niin suuri
Pimeää aina jatkuvaa
Näen juuri ja juuri
Ja onneni on jossain siellä
Annoit mulle onnen
Nyt annan sen pois