Onegesius (Priscus: Όνηγήσιος, "Onegesios") was a powerful Hunnic logades (minister) who held power second only to Attila. He is identified with Hunigasius, Attila's interpreter and spokesman in the Vita s. Lupi. According to Priscus he "seated on a chair to the right of the king" i.e. Attila.
Priscus, who was on a mission to Attila in 448 or 449 AD, says that Onegesius lived in the same very populous village Attila resided. He recounts:
According to Onegesius's order Priscus and Maximinus were greeted by his wife at his compound. That the honour and respect of his supporters were important to Attila is shown from Priscus testimony:
Priscus recounts a rare story of a Greek he encountered in the village, and who managed to get freedom from the Huns, but decided to live among them:
Onegesius and his brother Skottas were persons of special interest to the Romans in their failed plot to assassinate Attila in 448 or 449 AD, which included Chrysaphius and Hun Edeko, but Onegesius was most of the time away. Priscus recounts "Since Onegesius was away, I said, he [Skottas] needed to support us, and more his brother, in pursuit of this good business. I said we knew Attila followed his guidance too, but we would not firmly believe the reports about him unless we came to know his power through experience. He replied that no one any longer doubted Attila deemed his words and deeds equal to his brother's. And he immediately mounted his horse and rode to Attila's tent".