Dynamics (from Greek δυναμικός - dynamikos "powerful", from δύναμις - dynamis "power") may refer to:


Physics and engineering [link]

  • Dynamics (mechanics), the time evolution of physical processes
    • Aerodynamics, the study of gases in motion
    • Analytical dynamics, the motion of bodies as induced by external forces
    • Anomalous dynamics (Random walk#Anomalous diffusion), the stochastic motion of objects with mean square displacement (MSD) that deviates from the relation for normal dynamics, MSD~t, where t is the time the process is seen; anomalous dynamics are either faster than normal dynamics (MSD>t) or slower (MSD<t)
    • Brownian dynamics, the occurrence of Langevin dynamics in the motion of particles in solution (e.g. a grain in water, as was first seen by Brown); its famous property is: MSD~t, where MSD is the mean square displacement, and t is the time the process is seen
    • File dynamics, stochastic motion of particles in a channel
    • Flight dynamics, the science of aircraft and spacecraft design
    • Fluid dynamics or hydrodynamics, the study of fluid flow
    • Fractional dynamics, studies the dynamics with integrations and differentiations of fractional orders (in physics, economics, and related fields)
    • Molecular dynamics, the study of motion on the molecular level
    • Normal dynamics, is a stochastic motion having a Gaussian probability density function in position with variance MSD that follows, MSD~t, where MSD is the mean square displacement of the process, and t is the time the process is seen (normal dynamics and Brownian dynamics are very similar; the term used depends on the field)
    • Langevin dynamics, a mathematical model for stochastic dynamics; used in modeling molecules, yet also the stock market and other systems
    • Quantum chromodynamics, a theory of the strong interaction (color force)
    • Quantum electrodynamics, a description of how matter and light interact
    • Relativistic dynamics, a combination of relativistic and quantum concepts
    • Single file dynamics (also termed file dynamics), the diffusion of particles in a channel
    • Stellar dynamics, a description of the collective motion of stars
    • System dynamics, the study of the behavior of complex systems
    • Thermodynamics, the study of the relationships between heat and mechanical energy

Sociology and psychology [link]

Computer science and mathematics [link]

Companies [link]

Other [link]

See also [link]


Rigid body dynamics

Rigid-body dynamics studies the movement of systems of interconnected bodies under the action of external forces. The assumption that the bodies are rigid, which means that they do not deform under the action of applied forces, simplifies the analysis by reducing the parameters that describe the configuration of the system to the translation and rotation of reference frames attached to each body. This excludes bodies that display fluid highly elastic, and plastic behavior.

The dynamics of a rigid body system is described by the laws of kinematics and by the application of Newton's second law (kinetics) or their derivative form Lagrangian mechanics. The solution of these equations of motion provides a description of the position, the motion and the acceleration of the individual components of the system and overall the system itself, as a function of time. The formulation and solution of rigid body dynamics is an important tool in the computer simulation of mechanical systems.

Dynamic (record label)

Dynamic is an Italian independent record label located in Genoa. Founded in 1978, it specialises in classical music and opera, especially rarely performed works and has produced several world premiere recordings. The Dynamic catalogue contains over 400 titles, with about 25 new titles added each year and is distributed in 32 countries.


Dynamic was founded in 1978 by Pietro Mosetti Casaretto and his wife Marisa. Mosetti Casaretto, a surgeon and amateur violinist, took over a small label founded by the musicologist Edward Neill. In the beginning, Dynamic was a small family business. Mosetti Casaretto and his wife recorded in local churches, oratories and villas. The first recordings were issued on vinyl, the very first one being Paganini's Barucabà Variations played by Salvatore Accardo.

In 1985 the company moved to its current site in the Villa Quartana on the Righi hill overlooking Genoa, where it set up a recording hall that could house a small chamber orchestra. In the late 1990s Mosetti Casaretto retired, and management of the label was taken over by his son-in-law, Alberto Dellepiane. Over the years, the label's focus on chamber music and particularly violin music has widened to include full-length opera recordings on both CD and DVD. More recently, Dynamic has become a high definition content producer for television and cinema.

