Oliver "Oli" Frey (born 30 June 1948 in Zurich, Switzerland) is a book and magazine artist, cartoonist and illustrator.
Frey was born in Zurich, Switzerland on 30 June 1948. He grew up fluent in Italian and German. His family moved to Britain in 1956 but subsequently returned to Switzerland. During his high school years in Switzerland, Frey followed an American correspondence course called The Famous Artists. After spending six months in the Swiss army, and dropping out of Berne University, Frey moved to Britain once again and started a two-year course at the London Film School during which he supported himself with freelance work, including illustrating the War Picture Library comic books. As a child Frey loved The Eagle comic, and as an adult was able to fulfill his childhood dream by working on the revived version, drawing the strip Dan Dare. Also during the 1970s, he illustrated for IPC Media's Look and Learn magazine, including the strip The Trigan Empire.
In 1978 he was commissioned to create the opening for the movie Superman. His rough for the cover was accepted on the spot and used as it was in the pre-title sequence, along with his finished version of the strip."
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