Okie Baroque is the an EP by the Kansas City, Missouri rock band Blackpool Lights. After touring to support their 2006 debut album This Town's Disaster, the band dissolved in 2008 for unknown reasons. In early 2010 after the reunion of lead singer Jim Suptic's other band The Get Up Kids, it was announced on Twitter that Blackpool Lights had reunited and was recording new material. The album was released online on November 30, 2010.
All songs written and composed by Blackpool Lights.
An Okie is a resident or native of Oklahoma. Like most terms that disparage specific groups, it was applied by the dominant cultural group. It is derived from the name of the state, similar to Texan or Tex for someone from Texas, or Arkie or Arkansawyer for a native of Arkansas.
In the 1930s in California, the term (often used in contempt) came to refer to very poor migrants from Oklahoma (and nearby states). The Dust Bowl, and the "Okie" migration of the 1930s brought in over a million newly displaced people; many headed to the farm labor jobs advertised in California's Central Valley.
Dunbar-Ortiz (1996) argues that 'Okie' denotes much more than being from Oklahoma. By 1950, four million individuals, or one quarter of all persons born in Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, or Missouri, lived outside the region, primarily in the West. Prominent Okies in the 1930s included Woody Guthrie. Most prominent in the late 1960s and 1970s were country musician Merle Haggard and writer Gerald Haslam.
Okie is a term meaning resident of Oklahoma.
Okie may also refer to:
Okie is the third album by JJ Cale. It was first released in 1974.
Several songs from the album were later covered by other artists, including "I Got the Same Old Blues", by Freddie King, Eric Clapton, Captain Beefheart, Bobby Bland, Lynyrd Skynyrd and Bryan Ferry; "Anyway the Wind Blows", by Brother Phelps in 1995 and Bill Wyman's Rhythm Kings in 1999; "Cajun Moon", by Herbie Mann on his 1976 album Surprises, with vocals by Cissy Houston. "I'd Like to Love You, Baby" was covered by Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers in 2003, appearing on their 2009 album, The Live Anthology.
All tracks written by JJ Cale, except as noted
Tracks 2 & 3–10 May 1973
Columbia Studio B, Nashville, Tennessee
Engineer, Stan Hutto
Bass, Tommy Cogbill
Drums, Karl Himmel
Piano, Jerry Smith
Rhythm guitar, Harold Bradley
Electric guitar, Grady Martin
Track 2
Gut slide guitar and vocal, JJ Cale
Track 3
Trumpet, George Tidwell
Trombone, Dennis Goode
Saxophone, Billy Pruett
Guitar and vocals, JJ Cale
Aco-Braco, derane moj trsavi
ti i ja smo drzava u drzavi
pukose na vrazjoj burzi
Franjo Josip i Habzburzi
Boljsevici cara skefali
otis'o na dobos Kajzer ko poslednji salabajzer
samo nama nista ne fali
Aco-Braco, derane moj stasiti
kad si vatra svi te 'oce gasiti
vracaju nam i zavide
al' to valjda tako ide
samo lepo mozes ruziti
neg', ogrni jankel stofan
suste suknje ko celofan
zavist valja i zasluziti
Malo mame, malo cerke
opajdare, kaciperke, kibicuju i zagledaju
siparice, gradske smizle, porumene ko ribizle
kad sa nama pripovedaju
ne bije nas dzabe glas
zadeni za sesir klas
i mater vetru dok je nama nas
Aco-Braco, derane moj srditi
da te grdim to mi je ko sebe grditi
to il' nemas ili imas
da te s vrata spazi primas
gust je dati, a ne stiskati
nije gazda kesa suplja
sto budzasto novce skuplja
gazda je ko ume spiskati
Aco-Braco, derane moj cestiti
Bog nek gleda di ce koga smestiti
od Bodjana do Opova
sila hulja i lopova
koji grabe sta odaberu
od Opova do Bodjana
jos je dobrih Vojvodjana