Ontario Highway 18
King's Highway 18, commonly referred to as Highway 18 was the longest highway in Essex County, Ontario, and travelled through the most communities. Today, it is known as County Road 20. From 1930 to 1998, much of the road was Highway 18, but was turned back on April 1, 1998.
Route description
From here (the Windsor city limits), it becomes very unclear and contradictory as to whether Highway 18 travelled east along E.C. Row to the Huron Church Road interchange, or north-west along Sandwich Parkway to Sandwich Street and Riverside Drive, to terminate at the foot of Ouellette Avenue (Highway 3B).
This was compounded by the fact that E.C. Row had the secret 7000-series highway designation of Highway 7087. The City of Windsor had assumed all control of Highway 18 (Ojibway Parkway) within its limits, which are north of Morton Drive, but since Highway 18 was signed along E.C. Row to Highway 3 in the period of 1993 to 1998 (Huron Church Road), it is assumed that this is its terminus.