Ojarumaru (おじゃる丸) is a Japanese manga series created by Rin Inumaru and published by Shogakukan and serialized in Ciao in 1993. The manga was republished by Shueisha and re-serialized in Saikyo Jump in 2011. It was adapted as an ongoing anime series produced by NHK, animated by Gallop, and broadcast on NHK beginning in October 1998. As of today, the series has become the second longest-running anime on NHK next to Nintama Rantaro, and the sixth longest-running anime series of all time. The title character was originally voiced by Hiroko Konishi, but has been performed by Chinami Nishimura since 2001. The story focuses on the adventures of a 5-year-old Heian-era prince with a weakness for creme caramel. It also features his pet firefly, and a trio of young oni. It has been released in some countries under the name Prince Mackaroo. The series has been dubbed in Spanish, Italian, Arabic, Chinese, Hindi, Tagalog, Thai, Cantonese, Korean, and Malaysian.
It received an "Excellence Award" for animation at the 1999 Japan Media Arts Festival.