Ogulin (pronounced [ôɡulin]) is a town in north-western Croatia, in Karlovac County. It has a population of 8,216 (2011), and a total municipal population of 13,915 (2011). Ogulin is known for its historic stone castle Kula, and the nearby mountain of Klek.
There are several proposed etymologies for the name of Ogulin. Firstly that the surrounding woods needed to be cleared for a better defence of the town, so Ogulin received its name because of the resulting bare area ("ogolio" in Croatian) around it. There were a lot of lime-trees along the road from Ogulin towards Oštarije, and the people used to peel the bark, in order to get bass. It is suggested that Ogulin got its name from the verb to peel ("guliti" in Croatian). Neither proposal is historically confirmed.
Ogulin's history dates back to the fifteenth century, when it struggled against the Ottoman Turks. The exact timing of the building of the Ogulin tower has not been established. However, a document issued by Bernardin Frankopan in his town of Modruš at around 1500 AD marked off the boundaries of new castle between Modruš and Vitunj, and this is, at the same time, the first historical mention of Ogulin. Ogulin is known for the legend of Đula who threw herself into the abyss of the River Dobra because of an unhappy love affair. In the sixteenth century, it became a military stronghold against the Ottomans.
Som en gammal isbelupen drake ligger Jökeln tung
Och vitgrönraggig nedför branten mellan tvenne toppar
Stjärten lindad runtom högsta
Spetsen, buken spänd och stinn
I fjällets kittel, ryggen krönt av mittmoränens ås,
Svart och knöglig
Ner mot daln han sträcker långsmal nos med rynkigt
Skinn till läppar, vita tänder grina där imellan,
Genom Jökelportens svarta hål rinner ur hans
Gap en lerig ström
Taggig kam på hjässan, mörka grumligt gröngrå ögen -
Stelt han stirrar över dalen ner,
Trycker nosen vädrar mot
Marken mellan tassarna vars mörka klor
Skymta fram ur våt smutsgrå ragg
Småväxt ättling av sin jättestamfar, istidsdraken,
Fader Jökul själv - han som sträckte stjärten upp
Mot polen ramarna mot blockberg och ural,
Han som över fjäll och slätter vräkte sig,
Krälande och vältrande
Han som fyllde hav och sjöar,
Rev med klorna rispor I de hårda hällar
Gnagde klipporna och pressade
Bergen samman med sin tyngd
Ham som skövlade och lade öde sagoskogar,
Gröna paradis, blåste med iskall andedräkt bort