Official culture
Official culture is the culture that receives social legitimation or institutional support in a given society. Official culture is usually identified with bourgeoisie culture. For revolutionary Guy Debord, official culture is a "rigged game", where conservative powers forbid subversive ideas to have direct access to the public discourse, and where such ideas are integrated only after being trivialized and sterilized.
A widespread observation is that a great talent has a free spirit. For instance Pushkin, which some scholar regard as Russia's first great writer, attracted the mad irritation of the Russian officialdom and particularly of the Tsar, since he
See also
The arts and politics
High culture
Lisa A. Lewis (1992) The Adoring audience: fan culture and popular media. Published by Routledge, 1992 ISBN 0-415-07821-0, ISBN 978-0-415-07821-4, 245 pages.
Guy Debord (1957) Report on the Construction of Situations. Paris.
Hal Foster Postmodern Culture By. Pluto Press. ISBN 0-7453-0003-0, ISBN 978-0-7453-0003-0