Offers is a 2005 Dutch television film directed by Dana Nechushtan and starring Maryam Hassouni and Jacob Derwig. The thriller film is a personal drama about suicide bombers and counter-terrorism in Western Europe.
In 2006 Maryam Hassouni won an International Emmy Award for her role as Laila al Gatawi.
Khalid al Gatawi (Iliass Ojja) is about to become a suicide bomber in Paris. Even though he hesitates, his bomb is detonated from a distance by a cell phone. In the explosion a Dutch woman is killed and her Lebanese husband is seriously injured. Haron Nasrallah (Jacob Derwig), the son of the senior couple, is a police officer in Amsterdam. When the trail of the bombing leads back to the Netherlands, he decides to cooperate with the secret intelligence service.
Khalid and his two sisters Laila (Maryam Hassouni) and Alisha al Gatawi (Mimi Ferrer) wanted to revenge their father's death. Mokhtar (Sabri Saad El-Hamus) will arrange the suicide bombings for Laila and Alisha. Haron goes to Alisha's house and discovers she is pregnant. Laila catches him and forces him with a gun to bring her to Alisha. They find out Alisha tries to flee abroad with her boyfriend. Alisha and her boyfriend get killed by a bomb thrown in their car. When Haron is seen with Laila during their pursuit the police is going after the both of them.
The cuckoo is a pretty bird, she sings as she flies
She brings us the tidings and tells us no lies
She feeds on the pretty flowers in the spring of the year
And sings of my false love in a voice true and clear
A-walkin' and a-talkin', a-walkin' goes I
To meet my false lover and hear him deny
But if I'm forsaken, I have not fore sworned
And he surely mistaken to think I shall mourn
For I can love little and I can love long
And I can love a sweetheart 'til a new one comes along
I can hug him, I can kiss him and prove my heart kind
And turn my back on him and likewise my mind
A-walkin' and a-talkin', a-walkin' goes I
To meet with my true love, we'll meet by and by
To walk and talk together it's all my delight