The Office of Communications (Welsh: Y Swyddfa Gyfathrebiadau), commonly known as Ofcom, is the government-approved regulatory and competition authority for the broadcasting, telecommunications and postal industries of the United Kingdom.
Ofcom has wide-ranging powers across the television, radio, telecoms and postal sectors. It has a statutory duty to represent the interests of citizens and consumers by promoting competition and protecting the public from harmful or offensive material.
Some of the main areas Ofcom presides over are licensing, research, codes and policies, complaints, competition and protecting the radio spectrum from abuse (e.g. pirate radio stations).
The regulator was initially established by the Office of Communications Act 2002 and received its full authority from the Communications Act 2003.
The creation of Ofcom was announced in the Queen's Speech to the UK Parliament in June 2001. The new body, which would replace several existing authorities, was conceived as a "super-regulator" to oversee media channels that were rapidly converging through digital transmission.
Yes, we have come to share with you
The wonders of His love
And we have come to share with you
The glories from above
And it may not be just what you thought you'd hear
So we'll try so hard to make it very clear
That we have come to sing for you
And fellowship with friends
And we have come to give to you
A joy that never ends
Though it may not be received by everyone (come on ya'll you got us here us through)
Won't you listen to the story of the Son
Jesus came to earth (Jesus)
Gave His life for humanity (Know He gave his life)
Jesus crucified (Jesus crucified)
Gave His all so we'd hear His call and the best of all we'd be free
Freedom, sing about freedom (freedom, freedom)
Oh in Jesus, sing about Jesus, Jesus Christ (Jesus)
Freedom, sing about freedom (freedom, freedom)
Oh in Jesus, sing about Jesus, Jesus Christ (Jesus)