Oegopsina is a suborder of the squid order, Teuthida, in the Cephalopoda class. Some taxonomists raise it to the level of an order, in which case it is known as Oegopsida. This is due to Oegopsina and Myopsina not being demonstrated to form a clade.
The Oegopsina are an often pelagic squid, with some nerito-oceanic species associated with sea mounts. (from http://www.fao.org/docrep/014/i1920e/i1920e04.pdf) They consist of 24 families and 69 genera. They have these characters in common: the head is without tentacle pockets, eyes lack a corneal covering, arms and tentacle clubs may have hooks, the buccal supports are without suckers, and oviducts in females are paired.
Two families, the Bathyteuthidae and Chtenopterygidae, which have features characteristic of the Myopsina while retaining others common to the Oegopsina, are sometimes placed in the Bathyteuthoidea.
The Oegopsina differ from the coastal Myopsina, characterised by the genus Loligo, which have corneal coverings over the eyes and tentacle pockets, but lack hooks, have no suckers on the buccal supports, and a single oviduct.
Papiku belum pulang
Mamiku belum pulang
Kakakku belum pulang
Katanya cari uang
Hanya ada pembantu
Mengurusi hidupku
Hanya ada televisi
Menemani hariku
Aku bosan . . . aku bosan . . . aku bosan . . .
Bosan . . . bosan . . . bosan . . . bosan . . .
Aku bosan . . . aku bosan . . . aku bosan . . .
Bosan . . . bosan . . . bosan . . . bosan . . .
Ketika papi pulang
Mukanya sangat tegang
Ketika mami pulang
Menyapa hallo sayang
Ketika kakak pulang
Jalanya sudah goyang
Katanya cari uang . . . . . . .
Katanya cari uang . . . . . . .
Aku bosan . . . aku bosan . . . aku bosan . . .
Bosan . . . bosan . . . bosan . . . bosan . . .
Aku bosan . . . aku bosan . . . aku bosan . . .
Bosan . . . bosan . . . bosan . . . bosan . . .