In Greek mythology, Oeagrus (Greek: Οἴαγρος), son of Pierus or Tharops, was a king of Thrace. He and the muse Calliope were the parents of Orpheus and Linus. He was also sometimes called the father of Marsyas. There are various versions as to where Oeagrus's domain was actually situated. In one version, he ruled over the Edonian kingdom in the region of Mygdonia. He is also connected with Pieria, further west, or to the vicinity of the River Hebrus to the east; the latter was said to be called 'Oeagria', in his honor.
Not surprisingly, the parentage given for Oeagrus also differs between accounts. In the version that places Oeagrus in Pieria, his father is given as King Pierus and Methone. In the version that places him in Edonia he is said to be the son of Charops, an adherent of the god Dionysus; Charops was invited by Dionysus to rule over the Edones after the violent death of their king Lycurgus. Oeagrus has also sometimes been called the son of the god Ares, who was associated with Thrace.
Una historia eterna
Una virgen vieja
Un amor que busca ser amado
Una pasion herida
Una vidente ciega
Una colección de tristezas
Está la luna en celo
Tu presencia en buda
Tu iluminación en mi guarida
Una ninfa triste
Un centauro loco
Una sirena en busca de un abrazo
Por un beso
Se alteró el universo
Y nos condenaron a no tocarnos mas
Te cuento, que en la marea
Hay una esfera
Es la resurrección
Unas manos únicas
Unos labios solos
Un hermoso ser está perdido
Es un cuento viejo
Es la propia vida
Es la sangre la que nos llama
Por un beso
Se alteró el universo
Y nos condenaron a no tocarnos mas
Te cuento, que en la marea
Hay una esfera
Es la resurrección
Por un beso
Se alteró el universo
Y nos condenaron a no tocarnos mas
Te cuento, que en la marea
Hay una esfera