Morgoth Bauglir ([ˈmorɡoθ ˈbau̯ɡlir]; originally Melkor [ˈmelkor]) is a fictional character from J. R. R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth legendarium. He is the main antagonist of The Silmarillion, and The Children of Húrin, and is mentioned briefly in The Lord of the Rings.
Melkor was the most powerful of the Ainur, but turned to darkness and became Morgoth, the definitive antagonist of Arda from whom all evil in the world of Middle-earth ultimately stems. Sauron, one of the Maiar of Aulë, betrayed his kind and became Morgoth's principal lieutenant.
Morgoth was the principal agent of evil in The Silmarillion, and his influence lingered in the world even after he was cast from the world into the outer void. Morgoth's example provided later ages a cautionary tale against pride, wrath, envy, lust for power, and greed — and the destruction these visit upon oneself and others.
Melkor was not called "Morgoth" until he destroyed the Two Trees, murdered Finwë, the High King of the Noldor Elves, and stole the Silmarils in the First Age. The darker name was then bestowed by Fëanor, son of Finwë; and the Elves called him thereafter by that name alone. The name Morgoth is Sindarin (one of Tolkien's invented languages) and means "Dark Enemy", "Black Foe", or "Black Foe of the World".Bauglir is also Sindarin, meaning "Tyrant" or "Oppressor". Fëanor actually named him in Quenya (another of Tolkien's languages), Moriñgotto or Moriñgotho, and this was later translated into Sindarin as Morgoth.
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Morgoth is a German death metal band that was formed in 1985 by Rüdiger Hennecke and Carsten Otterbach in Meschede. Originally the name Cadaverous Smell was used and the band played grindcore / noise style. When Harry Busse joined the band they renamed themselves to "Minas Morgul". In 1985 the band settled on Morgoth when singer and bass-player Marc Grewe joined the band. The name was derived from the epithet of the original dark lord Melkor in J.R.R Tolkien's Middle-earth Legendarium. They recorded the Pits of Utumno demo on four tracks in 1988, which eventually led to the band being signed with Century Media, which had just started.
In 1989, Morgoth recorded their second demo Resurrection Absurd in a twenty-four-track studio, which was released by Century Media in the same year as an EP. The band then toured Germany in support of Pestilence and Autopsy. The Eternal Fall was recorded shortly after the tour finished, which was quickly followed by a second tour with Demolition Hammer and Obituary. Grewe stopped playing bass and Sebastian Swart joined as the bass player.
Odium may refer to:
Odium is the second full-length release by the German band Morgoth. It was released in 1993 by Century Media. It was produced by Dirk Draeger, recorded and mixed at Woodhouse Studios in Hagen, engineered and mixed by Siggi Bemm.
Life preferred to stronger
When wings gather at the site
In the mirror of eternity
Different colors different lives
And we're never gonna find the answer in a normal way
Staring at the walls of life, soon they will decay
Is our life just decadence or selfish style
Are we just numbers in a forgotten file
Justice distrusting and you'll find disgust
Using control and consuming lust
Take care and beware the dark dream yourself
This will look from the grim where tomorrow lays so poor
Black and your words of peace distrust
concreting parasyte from in the dark
Take care and beware the dark dream yourself
This will look from the grim where tomorrow lays so poor
Resistance - re - sis - tance
Resistance - re - sis - tance
Justice distrusting and you'll find disgust
Using control and consuming lust
Take care and beware the dark dream yourself
This will look from the grim where tomorrow lays so poor
Black and your words of peace distrust
concreting parasyte from in the dark
Take care and beware the dark dream yourself
This will look from the grim where tomorrow lays so poor
And we're never gonna find the answer in a normal way
Staring at the walls of life, soon they will decay
Is our life just decadence or selfish style
Are we just numbers in a forgotten file