'Oro is a god of the Polynesian pantheon. The veneration of Oro, although practiced in varying intensity among the islands, was a major cult of the Society Islands in the 17th and 18th centuries, especially Tahiti and Raiatea. On Tahiti 'Oro was the main deity and the god of war. The secret society of Arioi was closely linked because of its rites. On the Marquesas Islands, 'Oro bore the name Mahui.
Four main gods were venerated on the Society Islands: Ta'aroa, originally the god of the sea and fishing, Tane, god of the forest and handicrafts, Tu, the old god of war and Ro'o, god of agricultural products and the weather. These main gods were also venerated on the other Polynesian islands.
The colonists who settled as part of the Polynesian expansion spread their religion amongst the various islands. Over the centuries the continual movement and developments of the original society groups brought about local differences and adaptations of the cult within the Polynesian Triangle.
Oro means gold in Italian and Spanish.
Oro may refer to:
Hora, also known as horo and oro, is a type of circle dance originating in the Balkans but also found in other countries.
The name (spelled differently in different countries) is cognate to the Greek χορός: 'dance' which is cognate with the ancient Greek art form of χορεία; see Chorea. The original meaning of the Greek word χορός may have been 'circle'. The course of the seasons was also symbolically described as the dance of the Greco-Roman Horae, and they were accordingly given the attributes of spring flowers, fragrance and graceful freshness.
Also, the word is present in Slavic languages and "hora" and "oro" are found in many Slavic languages and have the meaning of round (dance) and the verb 'oriti' means to speak, sound, sing which previously meant to celebrate.
The Greek χορός is cognate with Pontic 'khoron', Bulgarian хоро 'horo', Romanian 'horă', Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian/Montenegrin/Slovenian 'kolo', Macedonian/Montenegrin 'oro', the Turkish form 'hora', 'valle' in Albania, and in Hebrew הורה (Hora). The Khorumi dance of Georgia also might be connected to the Horon dance in the neighbouring Turkish regions, as it rose out of the Adjara region, where Kartvelian Laz people coexisted for centuries with Greek Pontians.
Schelmish was a German Mittelalter rock band from the city of Bonn. The band originally formed in 1999 for a birthday celebration for band member Des Demonia's mother. The language of their songs varies between German, English, Latin, French and several old languages. The band split-up in December 2012; a group of member founded the Electro Folk Rock Band InVictus.
The inspiration for forming of Schelmish was the birthday of Des Demonia's mother in 1999. Musically, Schelmish is rooted in Irish Folk. Today though they are rather oriented towards Mittelalter Rock.
Their first CD Von Räubern, Lumpen und anderen Schelmen (Of Robbers, Rascals and other Scoundrels) was released in 2000. It features the original line-up of Schelmish and contains traditional medieval songs.
The second CD Aequinoctium is also composed only of medieval songs. It was released in 2001. For the recordings, Balitur joined the band while Igerne and Buchanan departed.
On Codex Lascivus, the third CD, released in 2002, the band's first original pieces can be heard. For this effort Amsel von Nydeggen (of Filia Irata), Fragor der Schlagfertige, Sakepharus der Schmierenkomödiant and Septimus joined the band, while, Morbius, Balitur and Bajonne left. This CD includes the instrumental Rotta, which since its release has traditionally been played at each of their concerts.