Octavio is a Spanish language masculine given name. In the Portuguese language the given name Octavio or Octávio is also found, but in Portuguese the normal spelling is Otávio. It is also used as a surname in the Philippines.
José Antonio Torres (born Julio 18, 1973) is a Mexican film director, producer, and musician based at Inukshuk Films Studios. His film work includes writing and directing Octavio and Astral; both films were breakthroughs in digital cinema in Mexico.
Torres was born in Mexico City. He studied filmmaking at UDC and graduated from the school in 2003. He founded Inukshuk Films in June 2004.
He is best known as the frontman of the influential alternative rock band Zalvia, with whom he performs under the stage name Antonio "Toño" Torres.
In an interview with Zona Indie' s Danniel Dissolu, Torres explained his singular vision for Octavio: "What really interested me was the idea of the most incredible metamorphic paintings being made by a child prodigy, turned now in one of the most prolific mexican artist."
Torres has started working on his next film, Bostik, set for release early 2012 coproduced by E Corp.
He has a son named Antonio and a daughter named Andrea. He lives in Mexico City.
Amanece el sucio cuarto
el rojo sol asoma violento
rompiendo los cristales
del olvidado recinto de amor.
Caen sobre su pálido rostro
los rastros de esa triaste luz
reflejando perdidas lagrimas
de aquel amor que solo lo dejo.
Ya no quedan recuerdos de su acción
solo el cuarto olvidado y sucio
llena de cartas jamas enviadas
de aquel amor que solo lo dejo.
Recostado en esa vieja silla
ha llorado su error fatal... fatal
su corazón ha caído a pedazos
por el amor que solo lo dejo.
Las heridas que se abrió llorando
con las navajas gritando hallo
no se cerraron jamas... jamas...
ya murió
por el amor que solo lo dejo
por el amor que solo lo dejo
Ya no quedan recuerdos de su acción
solo el cuarto olvidado y sucio
lleno de cartas jamas enviadas
de aquel amor que solo lo dejo
solo como me dejas tu
olvidado como me olvidas tu
nunca te perdonare
nunca te olvidare
y siempre, siempre