OPK Oboronprom (Russian: ОПК Оборонпром) is a Russian aerospace holding company. The company is involved in helicopter production, engine production, air-defenсe systems, complex radio-electronic systems and leasing. Russian Helicopters, Oboronprom’s helicopter manufacturing group is the leading Russian designer and manufacturer of rotary-wing aircraft equipment.
The capital structure of the company is as follows:
50.24% Russian Technologies.
38.44% Russian Federation.
4.73% RSK MiG.
4.41% Republic of Tatarstan.
1.81% Rosoboronexport.
0.36% Rostvertol.
It has stakes in or controls the following entities:
Defence Systems (75%)
Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant (36%), a design bureau.
Kamov (49.46%), a helicopter company.
Kazan Helicopter Plant (29.92%), (Oboronprom operates 21%) assembly plant for Mi-8 'Hip'
Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant (75.09%), assembly plant for Mi-8 'Hip' and Mi-171
Rostvertol (17.13%), assembly plant for Mi-24 'Hind', Mi-26 'Halo'
Vpered Moscow Machine-building Plant (38%)