Oaklawn Plantation may refer to:
Oaklawn (also known as the John Robinson House and the Robinson-Dilworth House) is a historic residence in Huntsville, Alabama. It was built in 1844 by John Robinson, a longtime revenue commissioner in Madison County who became one of the county's largest landowners. During the Civil War, the house was used by the Union Army as an officers' quarters. The family vacated the house in the late 19th century, and during the Spanish–American War, the grounds were used as an army camp and hospital. In 1919, the house was purchased by the Dilworth family and restored from its poor condition. The house was later owned by Max Luther, a prominent local merchant.
The Greek Revival house has a five-bay main block with two attached wings to the sides, an unusual layout for the time in Alabama. A portico spans the center three bays, and has four smooth Doric columns supporting a plain entablature and pediment. Pilasters with Doric capitals are present on the corners of both the main block and the wings, as well as terminating the portico. The main block has a gable roof, while the one-story wings have flat roofs with deep cornices forming parapets. There are four interior chimneys in the main block, and one each in the wings. The double entry doors have multi-pane sidelights and a transom. The interior is laid out with a large central hall on both floors, flanked by a pair of rooms on each side. Each wing features one room, with extensions built in the 1920s containing bathrooms. A kitchen was added to the rear in the 1940s.
Oak Lawn or Oaklawn is a historical village in southwest Cranston, Rhode Island. Prior to being named "Oak Lawn" in 1872 the area was known as "Searle's Corner". The Edward Searle House, built in 1677, and one of the oldest standing structures in Rhode Island, is located in Oak Lawn. The village is known for its annual May Breakfast, a New England tradition that began in Oak Lawn in 1865 as a way for the members of the Oak Lawn Baptist Church to raise money for local American Civil War veterans. The 1855 Herman Melville novel "Israel Potter" is based on the life and adventures of an American Revolutionary soldier who was raised on a farm near present-day Oak Lawn. Oak Lawn is also the site of an important archeological excavation: in the 1950s archeologists discovered bowls and other Native American artifacts, carved from soapstone and dating back more than 10,000 years. In the pre-colonial era the area was populated with bands of the Narragansett Indians known as the "Meshanticut" and "Natick" Indians.
Som en gammal isbelupen drake ligger Jökeln tung
Och vitgrönraggig nedför branten mellan tvenne toppar
Stjärten lindad runtom högsta
Spetsen, buken spänd och stinn
I fjällets kittel, ryggen krönt av mittmoränens ås,
Svart och knöglig
Ner mot daln han sträcker långsmal nos med rynkigt
Skinn till läppar, vita tänder grina där imellan,
Genom Jökelportens svarta hål rinner ur hans
Gap en lerig ström
Taggig kam på hjässan, mörka grumligt gröngrå ögen -
Stelt han stirrar över dalen ner,
Trycker nosen vädrar mot
Marken mellan tassarna vars mörka klor
Skymta fram ur våt smutsgrå ragg
Småväxt ättling av sin jättestamfar, istidsdraken,
Fader Jökul själv - han som sträckte stjärten upp
Mot polen ramarna mot blockberg och ural,
Han som över fjäll och slätter vräkte sig,
Krälande och vältrande
Han som fyllde hav och sjöar,
Rev med klorna rispor I de hårda hällar
Gnagde klipporna och pressade
Bergen samman med sin tyngd
Ham som skövlade och lade öde sagoskogar,
Gröna paradis, blåste med iskall andedräkt bort