ORFS stands for Output RF Spectrum, where 'RF' stands for Radio Frequency.

The acronym ORFS is used in the context of mobile communication systems, e.g., GSM. It stands for the relationship between (a) the frequency offset from the carrier and (b) the power, measured in a specific bandwidth and time, produced by the mobile station due to effects in modulation and power ramping and switching. ORFS measurements are defined and required in order to prove conformance by various institutions, e.g., the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) or ETSI.


See also

ORFS - O-Ring Face Seal: Hydraulic sealing system for hoses and fittings.




by: Warfaze

tumi ki dekhecho
dusshomoyer shontan
chitkar kore janai
odhikarer kotha
tumi ki shunecho
ei shomoyer nirjash
gontobbe paa barai
kisher e hotashai
tumi ki diyecho
tomar oi shathider
jara upore takai
tomai upor bhebe?
tumi ki janona
akasher tarara
nibhe gele ek e ek
shob e adhar timir?
tumi ki dekhecho
dusshomoyer shontan
chitkar kore janai
odhikarer kotha
tumi ki shunecho
ei shomoyer nirjash
gontobbe paa barai
kisher e hotashai
tumi ki diyecho
tomar oi shathider
jara upore takai
tomai upor bhebe?
tumi ki janona
akasher tarara
nibhe gele ek e ek
shob e adhar timir?
amra to dekhte chai
bhor er surjo laal
raat periye asha
dhorjer shur
bohudur pothe
kono pore ache
joma howa bishonnota
bhenge shamne..
shimana dekha jai
notun asha jagai
hotasha muche jai
notun suchonai..
tumi ki diyecho
tomar oi shathider
jara upore takai
