OE-Cake, OE-CAKE! or OE Cake is a 2.5D fluids-based demonstration program for Prometech Software Inc.'s PhysiCafe and Octave Engine which is one of the first engines able to have the ability to process water and other materials in real-time. In the program, which acts as a physics-based paint program, users can insert objects and see them interact under the laws of physics. It has an advanced fluid simulation, and support for objects like as gases, rigid objects and elastic. With the escape-codes, users can also mix the properties of elements together. Pictures may also be added to the simulation.
The name OE-Cake comes from this engine; its name therefore means "OctaveEngine Cake".
OE-Cake uses the .OEC file format for saving scenes made using the program. In OE-Cake version 1.1b, the file format was changed. Version 1.0b files can be opened with version 1.1.2b. Version 1.1.2b files cannot be properly opened in version 1.0b.
The materials you can use in OE-Cake are: