O'o is an album by John Zorn released in 2009. It the second album by The Dreamers following their 2008 release The Dreamers. The title refers to the ʻōʻō of the Hawaiian Islands, the last living members of the now-extinct songbird family Mohoidae. The song titles likewise refer extinct or nearly-so birds, from the prehistoric Archaeopteryx lithographica to the Zapata rail of which a few hundred survive in Cuba.
The Allmusic review by Thom Jurek awarded the album 4 stars stating "O'o is every bit as accessible and fun to listen to as Dreamers is, but in many ways, it's even more satisfying because it feels like a work rather than a collection of tunes. In fact, the only thing more pleasing than listening to this album would be hearing it performed live".
Moho is a genus of extinct birds in the Hawaiian bird family, Mohoidae, that were endemic to the Hawaiian Islands. Members of the genus are known as ʻōʻō in the Hawaiian language. Their plumage was generally striking glossy black; some species had yellowish axillary tufts and other black outer feathers. Most of these species became extinct by habitat loss and by extensive hunting because their plumage were used for the creation of precious ʻaʻahu aliʻi (robes) and ʻahu ʻula (capes) for aliʻi (Hawaiian nobility). The Kauaʻi ʻōʻō was the last species of this genus to become extinct, probably a victim of avian malaria.
Until recently, the birds in this genus were thought to belong to the family Meliphagidae (honeyeaters) because they looked and acted so similar to members of that family, including many morphological details. A 2008 study argued, on the basis of a phylogenetic analysis of DNA from museum specimens, that the genera Moho and Chaetoptila do not belong to the Meliphagidae but instead belong to a group that includes the waxwings and the palmchat; they appear especially close to the silky-flycatchers. The authors proposed a family, Mohoidae, for these two extinct genera.
This is a list of notable and commonly used emoticons or textual portrayals of a writer's moods or facial expressions in the form of icons. The Western use of emoticons is quite different from Eastern usage, and Internet forums, such as 2channel, typically show expressions in their own ways. In recent times, graphic representations, both static and animated, have taken the place of traditional emoticons in the form of icons. These are commonly known as emoji although the term kaomoji is more correct.
Emoticons can generally be divided into three groups: Western or horizontal (mainly from America and Europe), Eastern or vertical (mainly from east Asia), and 2channel style (originally used on 2channel and other Japanese message boards). The most common explanation for these differences is how the different cultures use different parts of the face to express emotions, i.e. eyes often play a bigger role in the East while the whole face is used more in the West.
Western style emoticons are mostly written from left to right as though the head is rotated counter-clockwise 90 degrees. One will most commonly see the eyes on the left, followed by the nose (often not included) and then the mouth. Typically, a colon is used for the eyes of a face, unless winking, which uses a semicolon. However, an equal sign, a number 8, and a capital letter B are also used interchangeably to refer to normal eyes, widened eyes, or those with glasses. One can also add a "}" after the mouth symbol—"(", ")", etc.—to indicate a beard.
(I. Levine / F. Trench)
High energy, your love is lifting me.
Oh, yeah...
High energy, your love is lifting me,
lifting me high... high...
Oh, so high.
It was only last week when we first met,
and I was walking down the street.
You came up from behind me and I knew
that our eyes were gonna meet.
That's when I fell into your arms,
imagine my surprise.
I thought this only happened in fairy-tales,
love hit me right between the eyes.
High energy, your love is lifting me.
Oh, yeah...
High energy, your love is lifting me,
lifting me high... high...
When you called me on the telephone,
you made my spirits rise.
I'm glad the others didn't last;
it's a blessing in disguise.
Every time you're touching me,
it gives me such a thrill.
When I look deep into your eyes,
my heart just can't keep still.
Oh, no, no, no!
High energy, your love is lifting me.
Ooh, yeah... High energy, your love is lifting me,
lifting me high... high...(oh so high)
All the gold that's in Fort Knox,
couldn't buy this happiness.
And with your love, I don't need money,
I don't need success.
I became a victim of a certain love attack.
It happened in the blink of an eye,
and there's no holding back.
No, no, no, no!
High energy, your love is lifting me. (oh, yeah)
High energy, your love is lifting me. (oh, yeah... high)
High energy, your love is lifting me. (oh, yeah)
High energy, your love is lifting me.