Inocentes is one of the oldest active punk rock bands in Brazil. The group was formed in 1981 by former members of pioneer local punk bands Restos de Nada and Condutores de Cadáver.
During their first incarnation in the first half of the 1980s, Inocentes played basic energetic and politically charged hardcore punk, immortalized by the Grito Suburbano compilation tracks and their 7" EP "Miséria e Fome".
The original band split up in 1984, but frontman Clemente Nascimento put a new line up together a few months later with former members of São Paulo Oi! band Neuróticos. The new line up dropped the hardcore influences and adopted a cleaner, more melodic sound mixing punk, post-punk and other influences.
Apart from some line up changes over the years, Inocentes are still active, always led by Nascimento, who has also been playing guitar for Brasilia post-punk veterans Plebe Rude since the mid-2000s.
Running like hell away from the smell
Hot blast out your ass that they're talking with
cavity creep looking for victims
Band over and over to give you the fist
Making it hurt all the way through ya
Making you feel like your less of a man
System of pain, obey the system
You pay to play with you ass in the air
So they say
Sense of nothing
Nothing makes sense
Death and taxes
Love your tax man
So that's the way
Law of the land, scum sucking maggots
Eating the meat off the bones that they pick
Making it known that they are your master
Then breaking you faster than you brought it in
So they say
Sense of nothing
Nothing makes sense
Death and taxes
Love your tax man
So that's the way
Bankrupt, corrupt
Dollars and no sense
Explode, unload
I'm gonna take it back
Bankrupt, corrupt
Dollars and no sense
Implode, reload
You better watch your ass
Greed hand open low man pay plan
greased hand closing greed man pay plan
Running like hell away from the smell
Hot blast out your ass
That your living with
Law of the land, scumsucking maggots
Eating the meat off the bones that they pick
Making it known that they are you master
Then breaking you faster than you brought it in
System of pain, obey the system
You pay to play with your ass in the air