Nugguren is a lake in the municipality of Kongsvinger in Hedmark county, Norway.
Severe eructations and abnormal coughs, choking on
rancid, reeking clots
Fluid from bleeding ulcers fill my mouth, a wave of
vomica gush forth as I shout
I expecterate hot chyme, fetid phlegm and slime,
regurgitation of putrid cess, putrefactive and yellow
Egestion... asphyxiation... emanation... convulsion
Sceptic stinking gore, gorged upon the floor, a pool of
human juice, internal organs are reduced
Submassive disgorgement, bowels ferment... corroding...
Necrotic eruption, succulent erosion... withering...
Acid indigestion, gastric putrefaction... bubbling...
Chyme, sludge and grume, intestial spume...
Rejected, oviformed excrement I spew, my shattered
entrails lies sore and blue
I collapse as I barf my duodenum, a virolent case of