Nude swimming
Nude swimming or skinny dipping is the practice of swimming naked, originally in natural bodies of water, but more recently in swimming pools or hot tubs. The widespread social convention and practice today is for swimmers especially in public places to wear a swimsuit. Most countries do not have specific laws proscribing nude swimming, and the matter is regulated largely by social convention and practice. Most nude swimming today takes place on nude beaches, or at naturist facilities, segregated public swimming areas or in private swimming pools. Some countries around the world regard nude swimming as public nudity, which is treated in a variety of ways, ranging from tolerance to strict enforcement of prohibitions against it.
The term skinny-dip was first recorded in English in 1947 and is most commonly used in the United States.
Georgian period
Thomas Guidott set up practice in the English town of Bath in 1668. He became interested in the curative properties of the waters and he wrote A discourse of Bathe, and the hot waters there. Also, Some Enquiries into the Nature of the water in 1676. This brought the health-giving properties of the hot mineral waters to the attention of the aristocracy. Doctors and quacks set up further spa towns such as Harrogate, Bath, Matlock and Buxton soon after taking advantage of mineral water from chalybeate springs. Here cures were guaranteed by 'taking the water' or being 'dipped' by bathing attendant in cold water. Treatment was received in the nude. Until the 1670s nude female bathing in the spas was the norm and only after that restrictions were imposed. As time progressed the resorts had to address two questions; was it right that men and women bathed together, and was it right that clothes should be worn. Establishments sought to impose dress codes.