Maariv or Ma'ariv (Hebrew: מַעֲרִיב, [maʔăˈʁiv]), also known as Arvit (Hebrew: עַרְבִית, [aʁˈvit]), is a Jewish prayer service held in the evening or night. It consists primarily of the evening Shema and Amidah.
The service usually begins with two verses from Psalms, followed by the communal recitation of Barechu. The three paragraphs of the Shema are then said, both preceded and followed by two blessings, although sometimes a fifth blessing is added at the end. The hazzan (leader) then recites half-Kaddish. The Amidah is said quietly by everyone, and, unlike at the other services, is not repeated by the hazzan. He recites the full Kaddish, Aleinu is recited, and the mourners' Kaddish ends the service. Other prayers occasionally added include the Counting of the Omer (between Passover and Shavuot) and Psalm 27 (between the first of Elul and the end of Sukkot).
Maariv is generally recited after sunset. However, it may be recited as early as one and a quarter seasonal hours before sunset. This is common only on Friday nights, in order to begin Shabbat earlier. At the conclusion of Shabbat and holidays, the service is usually delayed until nightfall. While Maariv should be prayed before midnight, it may be recited until daybreak or even sunrise.
3NRG is a community radio station based in Sunbury, Victoria. Established as 99.4 Bulla FM in 1988, the station re-branded as 3NRG - and changed frequency from 99.4FM to 99.3FM - in 1999.
The then Australian Broadcasting Authority issued a radio license area plan for the Sunbury region on 22 June 2000, which determined that a community radio station license should be granted for the area. 3NRG was the only applicant, and was granted a permanent license to replace the temporary license under which they had previously operated, which had just expired.
The station was established to provide local news, information and community access to the township of Sunbury, in outer north west metropolitan Melbourne, as well as to the surrounding localities of Diggers Rest, The Gap, Couangult and Toolern Vale. The station has been involved with battle of the band competitions, broadcasting community events. In June 2000, entered the Guinness book of world records for the worlds longest DJ marathon.
Quack is the debut studio album by American–Canadian DJ duo Duck Sauce. It was released on April 15, 2014 by Fool's Gold Records.
For the basketball player with a similar name, see Teófilo Cruz
Carlos Teo Cruz (November 4, 1937 - February 15, 1970) was a boxer from the Dominican Republic. Cruz was world lightweight champion from 1968 to 1970.
Cruz claimed he didn't put on his first pair of boxing gloves until his 20th birthday. He fought as an amateur from 1957–1959, posting a 14-3 record.
Cruz's father, Francisco Rosario Almonte was an army officer in the Dominican military. Cruz met his wife, Mildred Ortiz in the town of Río Piedras in Puerto Rico. They were married in 1961 when Ortiz was 24 years old. Cruz had two children; Carlos, Jr. (born 1962)who has four children, Bradely Cruz (born 1990) Clifford Allen Cruz & Clifton Allen Cruz ( born 1992 ),Brandon Miguel Cruz (born 1996 ), and Hermina (born 1963) having 2 children Alexis Tatia Cruz ( born 1998 ) and Bryant Lope Cruz ( born 2000) . Cruz's younger brother, Leo Cruz, went on to become a world champion.
This is a list of characters that appear in The Magic School Bus television series
The school is located in the fictional town of Walkerville, USA (an American flag being present in city hall in "Gets Swamped") and is possibly located on the upper east coast ("Meets Molly Cule," "Sees Stars"). The original book series included additional students not seen in the TV adaptation, nor the TV tie in books, nor the CD rom series.
Voiced by Lily Tomlin in the TV series and Tina Marie Goff in the games. Ms. Frizzle is a teacher at Walkerville Elementary. She is normally referred to as Ms. Frizzle, but her students sometimes call her "The Friz." While she is eccentric and a bit strange, The Friz is intelligent, kind, resourceful, happy, funny, supportive, loving and somewhat motherly. She loves making jokes revolving around the lesson she teaches, even if she is the only one laughing. A redhead, she wears wacky clothing that reflects the subject of each adventure and earrings that glow just before a field trip begins. She usually winks before the earrings glow (in the original books, her dress on the last page usually hinted at the plot of the next book; the very last book sees it covered with question marks.) She enjoys singing, seems unafraid of danger, and often refers to her relatives or ancestors during trips. She can make a lot of jokes like Carlos, and she also admires Carlos' jokes. She appears to be very attached to the bus, almost as if having a nostalgic connection to it. Her first name is revealed as "Valerie" in The Magic School Bus In the Time of the Dinosaurs. Her middle name is Felicity. She also loves to surprise the students. To Arnold, she is strange. Some of Ms. Frizzle's ongoing catchphrases are, "Bus, do your stuff!", "Take chances, make mistakes, get messy!", and most notably, "WAHOOOOO!"
Carlos is a masculine given name. It is a Spanish, Portuguese, and Tagalog form of Charles, Conor, Carl or Chuck. It may refer to: