In the mountains of Puerto Rico, the Arecibo Observatory, along with the world's largest fixed-reflector radar and radio telescope, were officially dedicated. Assistant U.S. Secretary of Defense formally accepted the instrument for use by the DOD's Advanced Research Projects Agency.
At 1:15 pm in Saigon, three marine battalions of the South Vietnam began their seizure of communications throughout the capital city, taking control of the city's radio stations, national and municipal police stations, and the public and Defense Ministry telecommunications centers. The acts were the first in a coup d'état against President Ngo Dinh Diem and his brother Ngo Dinh Nhu. The planners had set a deadline of 1:15 to either begin the coup or to call it off, and were waiting until visiting U.S. Admiral Harry Felt had departed. Admiral Felt's airplane took off at 1:00 pm. Diem and Nhu quietly escaped the palace by 8:00p.m. and feld to refuge at the Roman Catholic church in the nearby Cholon section of the city.
Kennedy this past Tuesday had kicked off a global race to uncover new information that could help shed light on the popular American president’s mysterious and quite public murder during a rally in November 1963... Published in Dawn, March 23rd, 2025. .
A little-known man named David William Ferrie not only pulls the threads of this complex plot to kill Kennedy together but was, I believe, the mastermind who conceived and sprang the deadly trap at Dealey Plaza, Dallas, on November 22, 1963.
On the whole, I tend to suspect that Mr Brand hadn’t read that far down, because not even he, I feel, could seriously entertain the idea that, on November 22, 1963, the Surrey-born actress who would ...
This week fuel was added to an almost 62-year-old fire when 2,200 files consisting of more than 63,000 pages about the assassination of president John F Kennedy in Dallas on November 22nd1963 were ...
unbranded - Newsworthy ...Good luck with that ... 22, 1963 ... President Diem even appointed Madame Nhu's father ‒ his sister-in-law's father ‒ ambassador to the United States.November 1963 marked the assassination of more than JFK. Just think, it's 1963 ... 1.
Schmitt & Co., which is a dealership that acquires rare cars for buyers and sellers, said this limousine was used by Jacqueline Kennedy in November 1963 for the funeral procession to Arlington Cemetery in Virginia when her husband.
The file is important because it may show whether the CIA had targeted Oswald in January 1963 prior to the JFK assassination. Joannides was a career CIA officer and the chief of CIA covert operations in Miami in November 1963.
A Warning... As he tells the story, he was scheduled to become a man, in the eyes of the Jewish community, on November 23, 1963—a case of terrible timing, because Lee Harvey Oswald killed the president a day earlier ... [From the April 2024 issue ... [Read ... .
president, was assassinated on November 22, 1963, while visiting Dallas, Texas—just under three years into his presidency ... On November 24, 1963, nightclub owner Jack Ruby shot and killed Oswald on live ...