Northern Germany (German:Norddeutschland) is the region in the north of Germany. Its exact area is not precisely or consistently defined but varies depending on whether one is taking a linguistic, geographic, socio-cultural or historic standpoint.
Located in the north-eastern French... The German city of Freiburg is just 43 miles to the north of the transnational airport, and Swiss cities including Zurich and Geneva are also within close reach.
These anti-China messages were also repeated in GermanState TV ARD’s documentary “Staatskrise im Schatten von China und Nordkorea” (State Crisis in the Shadow of China and NorthKorea), released to ...
The Nordlicht wind cluster, located 85 km north of the island of Borkum in the GermanNorth Sea, will have a net capacity of more than 1.6GW – Nordlicht 1 will have a capacity of around 980 MW, while ...
But on Tuesday Volken held a press conference and told BIV that he felt his efforts would prove fruitless ... Volken, 83, was an EastGerman refugee who came to Canada and created a NorthAmerican retail furniture empire with United Furniture Warehouse ... .
The wind farm will be located approximately 53 miles north of Borkum in the GermanNorth Sea ... As part of the decision, Vattenfall has also agreed to re-acquire 49 percent ownership in the project from German chemical company BASF ... ....
appreciation of the large intrepid seagulls, jaywalking with gusto — take that, Germans — and lurking at plays and book events ... While I was there, I taught myself German and Italian.
... must keep shipping parts to a Daimler Truck NorthAmerica subsidiary in Detroit ... DDC’s parent company is Daimler Truck North America, a subsidiary of German multinational corporation Daimler Truck AG.
These anti-China messages were also repeated in GermanState TV ARD’s documentary “Staatskrise im Schatten von China und Nordkorea” (State Crisis in the Shadow of China and North...
Byrd and Floyd Bennett, it was the first successful heavier-than-air flight to the NorthPole and back.) The cross was unpopular, possibly partially because it resembled the GermanIron Cross.
Byrd and Floyd Bennett, it was the first successful heavier-than-air flight to the NorthPole and back.) The cross was unpopular, possibly partially because it resembled the GermanIron Cross.
After Ozil had smashed in a close-range shot to make it 2-0, Algeria set German nerves jangling when they pulled a goal back but it came too late for the NorthAfricans... and preserve the German lead.
Scotland, of course, is well known for its bagpipe marches, and the traditional “oom-pah” music of Germany is the basis for a great many German marches. Some countries, such as Japan and NorthKorea have a history of marches all their own.