The Norian is a division of the Triassic geological period. It has the rank of an age (geochronology) or stage (chronostratigraphy). The Norian lasted from ~228 to ~208.5 million years ago. It was preceded by the Carnian and succeeded by the Rhaetian.
The Norian was named after the Noric Alps in Austria. The stage was introduced into scientific literature by Austrian geologist Edmund Mojsisovics von Mojsvar in 1869.
The Norian stage begins at the base of the ammonite biozones of Klamathites macrolobatus and Stikinoceras kerri, and at the base of the conodont biozones of Metapolygnathus communisti and Metapolygnathus primitius. A global reference profile for the base (a GSSP) had in 2009 not yet been appointed.
The top of the Norian (the base of the Rhaetian) is at the first appearance of ammonite species Cochloceras amoenum. The base of the Rheatian is also close to the first appearance of conodont species Misikella spp. and Epigondolella mosheri and the radiolarid species Proparvicingula moniliformis.
Always Searching For Peace Of Mind
In This World Of Tragedy
Lost And Lonely, Fooling Around
Trapped In This Evil Game
Got No Strength, Got No Love
Life Is Slowly Fading Away
Broken Promises Everywhere
You're Out Of Control
Living Hell
Fills Your Brain
When You Push The Needle Into Your Vein
Dangerous Game
You're Playing With Your Soul
Devil's Game
You're Under His Control
Now My Friend
It's Time To Break This Evil Game
Now My Friend
It's Time To Break This Circle
The Time Is Short
Your Eyes Are Blind
It's The Devil In Disguise
Hey, Wake Up And Realise