Nona Freeman
Nona Freeman (July 25, 1916 – December 26, 2009), was an American Oneness Pentecostal preacher; columnist, evangelist, author and missionary to Africa.
In 1948 Freeman and her husband E. L. (Bug) Freeman were the first United Pentecostal Church International (UPCI) missionaries to South Africa where they served for 41 years returning to the United States every 5–7 years to raise funds.
After the death of Freeman's husband in 1999, she continued to travel as an evangelist and became a popular speaker among some Oneness Pentecostal groups. In January 2009 Freeman suffered a stroke which lead to significant reduction of her previous schedule and on December 8, 2009 she entered hospices care, dying at home on December 26, 2009.
Churches affiliated with the UPCI and similar organizations responded to the growth of feminism in the 1960s and on by greatly reducing the role of women, but Freeman maintained her work as a missionary and evangelist.
↑ Retrieved 2009-12-27