Downy is a brand name of fabric softener produced by Procter & Gamble and sold in the United States. It entered the U.S. test market in August 1960 and went nationwide in December 1961. It was also sold in Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, South Korea, Egypt, Kenya and Latin America.
Lenor is a brand name of fabric softener and dryer sheets, also produced by Procter & Gamble, sold in Europe, Russia, China and Japan. Plans to rebrand Lenor as Downy in the UK were dropped in 2002.
Amy Sedaris has been used to promote Downy/Lenor Unstopables range in both United States and the UK. The commercials were filmed by Grey Advertising.
The Downy product line contains the following:
Downy mildew refers to any of several types of oomycete microbes that are obligate parasites of plants. Downy mildews exclusively belong to Peronosporaceae. In commercial agriculture, they are a particular problem for growers of crucifers, grapes and vegetables that grow on vines. The prime example is Peronospora farinosa featured in NCBI-Taxonomy and HYP3. This pathogen does not produce survival structures in the northern states of the USA, and overwinters as live mildew colonies in Gulf Coast states. It progresses northward with cucurbit production each spring. Yield loss associated with downy mildew is most likely related to soft rots that occur after plant canopies collapse and sunburn occurs on fruit. Cucurbit downy mildew only affects leaves of cucurbit plants.
Initial symptoms include large, angular or blocky, yellow areas visible on the upper surface. As lesions mature, they expand rapidly and turn brown. The under surface of infected leaves appears watersoaked. Upon closer inspection, a purple-brown mold (see arrow) becomes apparent. Small spores shaped like footballs can be observed among the mold with a 10x hand lens. In disease-favorable conditions (cool nights with long dew periods), downy mildew will spread rapidly, destroying leaf tissue without affecting stems or petioles.
Downey may refer to: