Njoto (1925–1965) was a senior national leader of the Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI), who joined the party shortly after the country's deceleration of independence, and was killed following the 1965 coup attempt.
Njoto was born on 17 January 1927 in the house of his grandfather house, Marjono, in Jember. Njoto's parents were Raden Sosro Hartono, a descendent of the Surakarta royal family, and Masalmah. He had two younger sisters, Sri Windarti and Iramani. He and Windarti attended the Hollands Inlandsche School (HIS) in Jember and lived with their maternal grandparents in Kampung Tempean, Jember. Their father wanted them to enroll there because Dutch schools were better organized than native schools. After regular school, Njoto had private lessons in the evening with Meneer Darmo.
After graduating from school, Njoto enrolled at the Meer Uitgebreid Lager Onderwijs(MULO) school in Jember. Eventually during the Japanese occupation, the school was disbanded. Njoto's father sent him to another MULO in Solo. In the second grade of MULO, according his classmate Sabar Anantaguna, Njoto said that he had to go home to Jember, but, in fact, he was going to Surabaya, where he was involved in the disarmament of the Japanese imperial army. During this time, Njoto met future PKI leaders D.N. Aidit and M.H. Lukman. Njoto was also involved in the Battle of Surabaya against the British.
Did you ever stay up late wondering if you'd been screwed
Or ever really know how much money they're making off of you
Welcome to the club, aye, that's the rub
Your nudged, fudged, nudged, screwed
Did you ever feel confused
Fall victim to their ruse
You know Hitler gassed the Jews
Maybe you should watch the news
Formula, we deplore you
Formula, we abhor you
Formula, we ignore you
We were sent here to destroy you
We won't have to wait too long
Lots of people making bombs, CD-ROMS, fertilizer bombs, yeah
Totally abused you
You wonder why our lives are crummy, you won't give us any money
Without us who would you jack, to fill up your bulgin sack
But your actions, they shall foment, vengeance waiting for the moment
And though I spent years as your slave, one day I'll piss on your grave
Formula, set our own pace
Formula, we are a race
Formula, we'll smash your face!
Formula, your machine
Formula, I find obscene
Formula, know what I mean
You've reduced something to nothing
You really fucking think you're something
Hold on baby, time is coming