Nivek Ogre (born Kevin Graham Ogilvie December 5, 1962) is a Canadian musician, performance artist and actor best known as a founding member of the industrial band Skinny Puppy. Since that band featured another Kevin (Crompton, a.k.a. cEvin Key) and was produced by another Ogilvie (Dave, a.k.a. Rave), Ogre's alias was practical as well as theatrical.
Ogre has been involved with many industrial music acts such as KMFDM, Rx, Pigface, PTP, the Tear Garden, the Revolting Cocks, Ministry, and his side project ohGr. He also composed two music tracks for the computer game Descent II. His current projects include ohGr and the reformed Skinny Puppy. Ogre has appeared as Pavi Largo in the rock opera film Repo! The Genetic Opera, as well as the new Harper Alexander in the comedy-horror film entitled 2001 Maniacs: Field of Screams. Ogre is reunited with Repo! director Darren Lynn Bousman in his new musical short film, The Devil's Carnival. 2014 starred in the Canadian film Queen of Blood.