Nitrendipine is a dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker. It is used in the treatment of primary (essential) hypertension to decrease blood pressure and can reduce the cardiotoxicity of cocaine.
Molecular problem
Hypertension is the chronic condition where the blood pressure is elevated beyond normal levels that vary among individuals. The
elevated levels in blood pressure increases the systemic vascular pressure, which increases the workload of the heart. The mechanical stress on the heart initiates a protein cascade involving G-proteins, cyclic-AMP and PKA that result in activation of genes that make cardiac muscle cells grow. The increased stress on the heart causes the heart to enlarge to accommodate the workload. However, the enlarged heart also needs structural support, which is why it produces scarring. The enlargement of the heart can make it hard for some cells to get nutrients because they are too distant from the blood vessels. Also, scarring can interfere with the electrical signals that cause the heart to contract and it also limits the ability of the heart to contract and relax. In both cases there is an increase risk of heart failure.