Nirmala UI is an Indic scripts typeface created by Tiro Typeworks and commissioned by Microsoft. It was first released with Windows 8 in 2012 as a UI font and supports languages using Bengali, Devanagari, Kannada, Gujarati, Gurmukhi, Malayalam, Odia, Ol Chiki, Sinhala, Sora Sompeng, Tamil and Telugu. It also has support for Latin, with glyphs matching Segoe UI. It is also packaged with Microsoft Office 2013 and later versions of Windows. It has 3 weights : Regular, Bold and SemiLight.
The typeface was art-directed by Fiona Ross, produced by John Hudson, hinted by Ross Mills. Fiona Rossa and John Hudson also designed the Devanagari and Odia, David Březina designed the Gujarati, Valentin Brustaux the Telugu, Jo De Baerdemaeker the Bengali and Fernando de Mello Vargas the Malayalam and Tamil. The Latin from Segoe UI is by Steve Matteson.
Nirmala may refer to:
Nirmala is an Indian religious sect of ascetics. The Nirmalas claim origin from the Sikh Gurus.
The Nirmalas themselves claim to have originated from Guru Nanak, the first Sikh Guru . One legend claims that the distinct Nirmala identity was established by a group of scholars, whom Guru Gobind Singh sent to Kashi to learn Sanskrit. After mastering Sanskrit in Kashi, they returned to Anandpur, where they were honoured by the title Nirmala (Sanskrit for "pure" or "unsullied"). After Gobind Singh's evacuation from Anandpur, they spread to different parts of India. W. H. McLeod (1995) doubts the historicity of this legend, arguing that there are very few mentions of Nirmalas before the 19th century. Pashaura Singh and Louis E. Fenech hypothesize that the Nirmalas are descended from the Udasis, who are similar to them in ascetic lifestyle, celibacy and Vedantic interpretation of Sikh philosophy.
Patronage from Sikh nobles, especially the rulers of the Phulkian states, helped the Nirmalas become a prominent religious order. Sardar Dhyan Singh of Shahbad willed his estate to Karam Singh Nirmala. In 1766, Sadda Singh of Bahirwala offered seven villages to Bhagat Singh Nirmala, although the latter declined the offer. Sardar Jai Singh's daughter-in-law granted two villages to the Nirmal Dera at Kankhal.
wi-j stoat hier weer te pezen, wi-j goat der steavig tegenan
i-j kunt geruste weazen, straks goa-w hier vandaan
de harses doet mien zeer, elken avond dat gebleer, a a auw
de harses doet mien zeer, elken avond dat gebleer, a a auw
't spul steet op de kop, zie hebt heel wat op
eerst dat gesjouw, en dan weer noar de vrouw
de harses doet mien zeer, elken avond dat gebleer, a a auw
de harses doet mien zeer, elken avond dat gebleer, a a auw
't is keihard warken, zwoegen as 'n gek
't is goed te merken an 't ende van de wèhk
de harses doet mien zeer, elken avond dat gebleer, a a auw
de harses doet mien zeer, elken avond dat gebleer, a a auw
a a auw, a a auw, a a auw