Ninkasi is the ancient Sumerian tutelary goddess of beer.
Her father was the King of Uruk, and her mother was the high priestess of the temple of Ishtar, or the goddess of procreation. She is also one of the eight children created in order to heal one of the eight wounds that Enki receives. Furthermore, she is the goddess of alcohol. She was also borne of "sparkling fresh water." She is the goddess made to "satisfy the desire" and "sate the heart." She would prepare the beverage daily.
The Sumerian written language and the associated clay tablets are among the earliest human writings. Scholarly works from the early 1800s onward have developed some facility translating the various Sumerian documents. Among these is a poem with the English title, “A hymn to Ninkasi”. The poem is, in effect, a recipe for brewing beer, which was also known as kash. It can be argued that the art of brewing is broken down and explained in order to be passed down from generation to generation. Furthermore, the Hymn to Ninkasi is the oldest record of a direct correlation between the importance of brewing, and the responsibility that women had with regards to supplying both bread and beer to the household. Ninkasi is female, and the fact that a female deity was invoked in prayer with regards to the production of brewed beverages illustrated the relationship between brewing and women as a domestic right and responsibility. The repetitive nature suggests that it was used as a tool in order to pass down information as a way of learning. The poem from Circa 1800 BC explains that grain was converted into bappir bread before fermentation, and grapes as well as honey were added to the mix. The resulting gruel was drunk unfiltered, hence the need for straws. A translation from the University of Oxford describes combining bread, a source for yeast, with malted and soaked grains and keeping the liquid in a fermentation vessel until finally filtering it into a collecting vessel.
4947 Ninkasi (or 1988 TJ1) is an Amor asteroid discovered on October 12, 1988 by C. S. Shoemaker at Palomar.
It was named after Ninkasi, the Sumerian goddess of wine and beer, who helped the god Lugalbanda rescue the tablets of fate from the demon Zu.
With an absolute magnitude of 18.0, the asteroid is about 670–1500 meters in diameter. On 2031-Apr-20 the asteroid will pass 0.02917 AU (4,364,000 km; 2,712,000 mi) from Mars.
nunca me digas que no puedo
nunca me digas que creer
no ves que ya tengo miedo
no me pongas tus cadenas
perdóname si no te sigo
pero me aburre caminar
me construí unas alas de cartón
y voy a intentar llegar al sol
aunque me muera de calor
un vuelo en llamas
bautizo lumino
reparo los magnetos del amor
mientras mis alas
se desintegrarán
y vuelvo a caer una vez más
en el rincón
uh! en el rincón
uh! me queme
uh vuelvo a intentar
mataste al verbo con saliva
con tu lenguaje natural
creo que aún hay esperanza
y por eso me vuelvo a rasurar
todas las penas de una vez
y vuelo en llamas
bautizo lumino
recargo los magnetos del amor
y abro mis alas
sin más superstición
que la que me llevo a abandonar
un vuelo en llamas
bautizo lumino
recargo los magnetos del amor
mientras mis alas
se desintegrarán
y vuelvo a caer una vez más
en el rincón
uh! en el rincón
uh! me queme
uh! vuelvo a intentar