NINJA-IDE (from the recursive acronym: "Ninja-IDE Is Not Just Another IDE"), is a cross-platform integrated development environment (IDE) designed to build Python applications.
It provides tools to simplify Python software development and handles many kinds of situations thanks to its rich extensibility. It is being very actively worked at by its developers.
The Chromium project uses a similarly named build tool, Ninja Build.
Some of the current features of the IDE are:
Light weight IDE
Common functions such as: file handling, find in files code locator, go to line, tabs, automatic indentation, editor zoom, etc.
Multi-platform: Linux, Mac OS X, Windows.
Syntax highlighting for a wide variety of languages. Even though it is intended to be mainly a Python IDE, it can also handle several other languages.
Static and PEP 8 error highlighting.
Show tips to help migrate code from Python2 to Python3.
Embedded Python console.
Project management, allowing to add, modify and delete files and folders to projects, creating automatically the "" files inside each module, etc.