Night Howlers
Night Howlers is an accessory for the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, published in 1992.
Players will require a copy of the D&D game Rules Cyclopedia to use this book. The D&D game presents lycanthropes as disease victims rather than members of a unique race. Any human player character can become a werecreature. Players using lycanthropic PCs must keep two sets of statistics, one for the human form, another for the beast, using the Werecreature Character Record Sheet, a single-page form that comes with the package. The "Werewolves' Manual" provides detailed descriptions of the D&D game's ten standard were-types, outlining their restrictions and special abilities. Available types include the weretiger, wererat, wereseal, weresharks, and devil swine, and most special abilities are received as level advancement bonuses. The D&D rules require lycanthropy victims to assume the alignment of their beast-form, which is usually Chaotic, but Night Howlers allows a PC lycanthrope to make a saving throw when transforming; a successful throw enables a bestial PC to retain the alignment of his human form. The book also includes role-playing tips to address the aspects of a werecreature's split personality.