A surname or family name is a name added to a given name. In many cases, a surname is a family name and many dictionaries define "surname" as a synonym of "family name". In the western hemisphere, it is commonly synonymous with last name because it is usually placed at the end of a person's given name.
The style of having both a family name (surname) and a given name (forename) is far from universal. In many countries, it is common for ordinary people to have only one name or mononym.
The concept of a "surname" is a relatively recent historical development, evolving from a medieval naming practice called a "byname". Based on an individual's occupation or area of residence, a byname would be used in situations where more than one person had the same name.
Nietzsche is a 2003 American short film directed by Bryan Harley. The movie is about two coworkers have a conversation about the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. Starring Andrew Isaac as Ezekiel and Jared Marshall as Samuel, it was filmed in Fresno, California.
It was one of the only films to screen at Fresno Reel Pride Gay and Lesbian Film Festival that did not deal with gay issues and was made by a straight filmmaker.
The film opens with one character saying "God is dead", a famous sentence of Nietzsche. From there, the two coworkers sit alone at a table debate existentialism from Nietzsche, to Sartre and Kierkegaard.
I want a God who stays dead, not plays dead. I, even I, can play dead. I want a God who stays dead, not plays dead. I, even I, can play dead. I want a God who stays dead, not plays dead. I, even I, can play dead.