Nickeline or niccolite is a mineral consisting of nickel arsenide (NiAs) containing 43.9% nickel and 56.1% arsenic.
Small quantities of sulfur, iron and cobalt are usually present, and sometimes the arsenic is largely replaced by antimony. This last forms an isomorphous series with breithauptite (nickel antimonide).
When, in the medieval German Erzgebirge, or Ore Mountains, a red mineral resembling copper-ore was found, the miners looking for copper could extract none from it, as it contains none; worse yet, the ore also sickened them. They blamed a mischievous sprite of German mythology, Nickel (similar to Old Nick) for besetting the copper (German: Kupfer). This German equivalent of "copper-nickel" was used as early as 1694 (other old German synonyms are Rotnickelkies and Arsennickel).
In 1751, Baron Axel Fredrik Cronstedt was attempting to extract copper from kupfernickel mineral, and obtained instead a white metal that he called after the spirit, nickel. In modern German, Kupfernickel and Kupfer-Nickel designates the alloy Cupronickel.
The door is closed on my dreams!
And it wont open for me!
I feel like I need to scream!
I feel like no one cares about me!
I feel like I need to run!
I feel like I need to be alone!
But no one is letting me out!
No one is helping me out!
Instead everyone is locking the door, so I cant get out anymore!
No one understands how I feel!
No one understands what Im going threw!
No one understands anything about me!
No one understands!
No one, No one understands!
No one knows!
They may never know!
The closed door wont let me out,
The closed door is staying shut,
The closed door is not opening!
The closed door is what helps me from making a mistake!
Sha lala la la sha lala la la
Finally I think the door is opening,
I might be able to get out,
This place is getting old,
Im out it worked!
I kind of liked this place,
It was a way for me to get away!
But now I can see the world,
Now I can meet new people,
Now I can breathe fresh air!