Nick may refer to:
Nickelodeon UK and Ireland is a television channel dedicated to kids' programming. In the UK and Ireland it is operated under a joint venture between Viacom International Media Networks Europe and Sky plc.
On 1 September 1993, a localised version of the US channel launched in the United Kingdom and much later in Ireland. In the United Kingdom, the channel is available on Sky, Virgin Media, and TalkTalk Plus TV. In Ireland, the channel is available on Virgin Media Ireland, eVision and Sky Ireland.
The channel launched on satellite (as part of British Sky Broadcasting's Sky Multichannels package) on 1 September 1993, originally airing for 12 hours and showing both cartoons and live action series. Off air the channel would air static logos, schedule information and teletext. Live presentation followed in 1994, branded as Nick Alive! From October 1995 it shared space with Paramount Channel. When Sky launched in 1998, Nickelodeon was in the original channel line-up on Astra 2A, and the channel was aired for three more hours. However, analogue satellite services continued to shut down Nickelodeon at 7 p.m. each day until analogue satellite was discontinued in 2001. Later, additional channels were added such as Nick Jr. and a timeshift version.
The Office is a television series based on the British television comedy of the same name. The format of the series is a parody of the fly on the wall documentary technique that intersperses traditional situation comedy segments with mock interviews with the show's characters, provides the audience access to the ongoing interior monologues for all of the main characters, as well as occasional insights into other characters within the show.
The positions given are those held for the majority of a character's run in the series.
Joleen MaryAnn "Jo" Bennett (Kathy Bates) is the CEO of Sabre, the company that buys Dunder Mifflin in season 6. In season 8 she gives up the CEO position but remains chairman of the board. She is a forthright and stubborn Southern woman who has authored an autobiography titled Take A Good Look. She owns two harlequin Great Danes and a white Cadillac Escalade Hybrid; she is also a breast cancer survivor, a licensed pilot and a friend of Nancy Pelosi.
Wil je nog één keer van me houden
Wil je nog één keer je armen om me heen slaan
Zullen we elkaar nog één keer vertrouwen
Zoals we dat vroeger hebben gedaan
Wil je nog één keer van me houden
Wil je nog één keer tegen me aan gaan staan
Wil je nog één keer van me houden
En doen alsof er niets is mis gegaan
Wil je nog één keer van me houden
Breng je me nog één keer in die waan
Van het grenzeloze vertrouwen
Voordat we besluiten uit elkaar te gaan
Nog één keer de liefde zonder strijd
Nog één keer de liefde zonder haat en nijd
Nog één keer de liefde, nog één keer
En dan ben ik verleden tijd
Mag ik nog één keer van je houden
Mag ik nog één keer m'n armen om je heen slaan
Nog één keer de liefde, nog één keer
Nog één keer de liefde, nog één keer
Nog één keer de liefde, nog één keer