The Nicholson Cutoff (also known as the Clark's Summit-Hallstead Cutoff) was built by the Lackawanna Railroad to replace the original Lackawanna line between Clarks Summit, PA and Hallstead, PA. In surveying potential routes for the new line, the Lackawanna investigated the possibility of building a line directly from Clarks Summit to Nichols, NY, bypassing Binghamton, NY. This alignment would have shaved 20 miles off the existing route between these two points, but was deemed impractical not only because it would have bypassed a major junction point on the railroad, but also because of the amount of cutting and filling that would have been needed to build this route. As about half of the old line was curved track, a major rationale for building the new line would be to "straighten-out" the route. The new route, the cutoff, would ultimately eliminate two-thirds of this curvature, 2400 degrees, the equivalent of more than six and a half circles. Nearly all the remaining curves would be 2° or less, permitting 70 mph (113 km/hr) or greater for passenger trains. This was a decided improvement over the curves on the old route, some of which exceeded 6° (restricting trains to 35 mph, 56 km/hr).
Nicholson may refer to:
Nicholson (first name and dates unknown) was an English first-class cricketer who made one appearance for Kent in 1788, scoring two runs. Nicholson played for Kent against All-England on 29, 30 and 31 July 1788 at Coxheath Common, All-England winning by an innings and 80 runs.
Nicholson is a lunar impact crater located at the western limb. In this position it is subject to libration, which can limit observation. The crater is also viewed at a very oblique angle, so it is seen from the side when observed from the Earth. It is an irregular, somewhat pear-shaped formation that has an uneven rim due to its location amidst rugged ground. The rim is sharp-edged and the inner wall varies in thickness, being narrower along the northern side and wider at the southern end. The interior floor is rough, small and uneven, with no impacts of significance. There is a small central ridge.
Nicholson is located in the Montes Rook, a ring-shaped mountain formation that encircles the immense Mare Orientale feature. It lies to the northwest of Pettit.